Sunday, December 6, 2009
An Idea - Boycott the BCS
Saturday, December 5, 2009
monk - a love story?
Monday, November 16, 2009
I'm Sick of Car Companies Not Giving Me What I Want
Thursday, September 24, 2009
And I Say This with Every Amount of Sincerity I Can Muster .... to the summer past... FUCK YOU!

Usually summer is a time to embrace the warmth of the sun and a sunny disposition but this summer has meant nothing but personal rejection, creative failures, financial dependence, romantic alienation, family turmoil and the actualization that life is a very fragile thing.
to the summer of 2009 - Fuck You !
that is all I can really say. I cannot change the heartbreak. I cannot change the minds of others. I cannot vanquish illness with a thought. I can cope and move forward but with a message to days past - Fuck You!
It might seem immature for an adult(?) to vent his frustrations with a shout, a finger and a new mentality to deny past events of any thoughtful consideration but I am not sure what else to do. It was a horrible summer, maybe the worst of my life. I welcome the fall and the chance for something better.
as fall approaches I can embrace what happens next and hope rock bottom has turned to rock solid. What happens next... A birthday to celebrate moral victory over defeat, a moment to give thanks for family and friends not lost or forgotten, and a holiday that I hope unifies those I see frequently with those I wish to see more of. Preparations for new adventures, new cities, new friends and new ideas all coming soon to a landscape near you.
To the selfish and cowardly this was not your fault but my salute is in your honor - Fuck You! To those who think I am simply not ready - Fuck You! To those who think I should change who I am to reflect your beliefs and ideals - Fuck You!
To those who are suffering through similar struggles, for better or for worse - I understand and wish you the best of luck. To those who believe in me and support me - Thank you.
Monday, September 14, 2009
U2 360 Tour

The Claw allows the band to perform for the entire audience at any stadium. It is not like most stages that only allow 75% of the audience to enjoy the show. Not one corner of the stadium would be neglected as the band moved across the circular stage trying to reach out to every corner of the audience.

the setlist
"No Line on the Horizon"
"Get On Your Boots"
"Beautiful Day/Blackbird"
"I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For"
"Stand by Me"
"Stuck In A Moment You Can't Get Out Of"
"Unknown Caller"
"The Unforgettable Fire"
"City of Blinding Lights"
"I'll Go Crazy If I Don't Go Crazy Tonight"
"Sunday Bloody Sunday"
"Pride (In the Name of Love)"
"Walk On"
"Where the Streets Have No Name"
Africa Interlude
"Bad/Fool to Cry/40"
"Ultraviolet (Light My Way"
"With or Without You"
Sunday, September 6, 2009
I Believe in Beatles and Me
"Get Back"
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
me... who is that? the return

Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Air Compressed Car - Madness !
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Who's The Man - a golden era of Hip Hop and MTV!

Friday, August 14, 2009
Good For You - You Fail at Life. A drunken tale of false reporting
Monday, July 27, 2009
Why NASCAR May Hurt the Economy
Thursday, July 16, 2009
to my friends... thank you
I am not going to dive into the depths of what I have been thinking but I will say this, the 26th year of my life has been one of the most difficult years of my short existence. It has been a very hard year. Sadness seems to be a dish served frequently. I have been kicked and kicked and then as I feel the momentum shift, a strong wind knocks me down once again. My recent days have been lacking any remorse as they even kick me while I am face down in the ground. I have not been strong enough to brush these pains off as it it were dirt on my shoulder. The past few month have been very hard.
It has been in these past few months when good friends, old and new, near and far have come to me to offer their hands in friendship, a hug to console, and an ear to listen to the trouble I'm going through. I don't talk very much or openly about what I am feeling. I have never been good at allowing people to see what lies underneath. Many know of my reluctance to speak openly about what I feel but that has not detoured many of my friends from wanting to listen and help.
Being lucky or feeling lucky might dismiss all of this as chance and does not describe how I truly feel. I am very proud and honored to have friends that care for me, help me and believe in me. They represent the best parts of living and I only hope that I can be as good of a friend to them as they have been to me. I won't deny that I am still a bit down but a change is going to come. I will rise. I will smile again and that smile will be a consistent occurrence on my face.
thanks to those who have been there... thank you, oh so very much.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
kills 99.9% of germs... good but not good enough!
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Your boyfriend/girlfriend, like a notebook, should come with paper.
Monday, May 25, 2009
me... who is that?

some have said that my blog does not allow people to understand me or know me on a personal level so here it goes.
Saturday, May 23, 2009
a few suggestions to fix the NBA
my problems
1.the game. I didn't realize it as a child but basketball may be the only sport in which the first 3 quarters of the game have no relevance what so ever. Leads in basketball generally diminish. Scoring 8, 10 or sometimes 15 points with little or no response is not uncommon. So why watch an entire game? it is because basketball is a sport that thrives on a score that is constantly in flux. A constantly changing score keeps people excited and into a game but at the same time a 10 point lead at the end of the half is meaningless. I would even dare to say that a 10 point lead is not safe unless there is under 90 seconds left in the game e and there have been instances in the game with 90 seconds remaining that no lead is safe. This is where the excitment is drawn, a game in which victory could come to either team, but you achieve nothing by claiming victory in the first, second or third quarters, but after 48 minutes. Basketball is not like football or baseball, soccer or hockey in which the strategy to maintain a lead or come from behind drastically change. So with why watch a basketball game when the fourth quarter is all you really need?
2. The lottery. The NBA lottery is a joke. It does not grant the team with the worst record the first pick in the annual draft. Therefore a team that suffers through a regular season with the most losses may be punished for no good reason other than to create excitment for a draft that lacks. The last time a team with the worst record recieved the number 1 overall pick was 2004 and the Orlanda Magic then picked Dwight Howard. Five years later, the Magic are contending for a spot in the NBA finals. The reason why the NBA draft lacks is that rarely does any team find a player that will bring immediate impact after the 5th pick.
SO why is it fair that team with the worst record can wind up with the 14th pick in the draft when a team that was a game or two away from the playoffs could be selecting the first pick? People accept this because that is the system and without the lottery the draft is lacking any drama or buzz to rival that of the NFL. My suggestion would be to modify the lottery. Allow only the three teams with the fewest wins to compete for the top selection while the remaining selections are based upon record. I think this is fair and even though it might not create as much excitement, it might squash many of the claims that the lottery is fixed or rigged to propell certain struggling organizations to the forefront of the Association.
3. the playoffs. there are 32 teams in the NFL and twelve make the playoffs. there are 30 teams in Major league baseball and only 8 make the playoffs. Hockey and basketball have 30 teams and of those 16 teams make the playoffs; that is over 50%. Why are some teams that finish with a record below .500 able to contend for a championship? A team with a losing record has made the playoffs every year since the 2004-2005 season. Is that a problem or just coincidence? Is there a power divide between the two conferences that allows this? Is it a coincidence that the 9th place team in the Western conference would have the fifth best record in the East? Is there a a problem when six teams in the Western conference achieved over 50 wins and only three teams in the East were able to accomplish the same? Some feel this is natural but I am a little more skeptical.
4. the officiating. Basketball has the worst officiating in sports. During the playoffs, the officiating is not only bad but it is controversial. three men are responsible for calling the game while on the football field or baseball diamond, twice or three times as many officials enforce the rules of the game. Many question how, when or why referees enforce the rules of the game but in basketball unlike baseball the refs can dictate the game. Calls are questioned, calls are missed and the consistency of calls within the game, or from game to game is consistently questioned. The NBA is talking about adding challenges with instant replay like the NFL but my suggestion is a bit easier. Why not, at least in the playoffs, add a fourth official? four pairs of eyes must be better than three. Allow the refs to discuss possible questionable calls. I don't think many will object to a ref over rulling another or allowing the team of officials to deliberate a call for 15 seconds. I think a fourth ref seems like an easy solution that might alleviate some of the problems but I am sure NBA hasn't considered it and some union might be against it. A fourth ref is what we need, at least for the most important games of the year, like the playoffs.
I could go on about the image of the NBA or basketball. I could talk about the problems of letting young men at the age of 19 or 20 enter a league in which they will not only enter the spotlight like never before but make millions of dollars doing so. I can talk about the leagues promotion of individuals over teams or how commissioner David Stern runs the league like an a parent blind to the faults of his children. I won't discuss any of that. Basketball is a great game. I, like many others just hope for a few modifications and these are my suggestions.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
What Ever Happened to My Rock and Roll - 5 bands that Rock
4. The Raveonettes - So what if they are Danish? So what if they sing a majority of their songs in two part harmonies? Imagine if the Velvet Underground, the Jesus and Mary Chain and Buddy Holly adopted a rock band and the beautiful monster that would come to be would be the Raveonettes. Throw in a splash of surf rock and you are golden like hash browns. The Raveonettes like their rock and roll dressed in black, distortion and feedback. It is slick but sexual. Sune Rose Wagner and Sharin Foo sing with an ease and softeness that might be confused for lacking passion but that couldn't be further from the truth. With their vocals passing through like an easy ocean breeze the juxtaposition of the noise from their guitars, hard, fuzzy, loud, distorted, contained and maniacal displaces any sense of peace or ease.
Favorite Album: Pretty in Black
Favorite Song: "Do You Believe Her"
5. Drive-By-Truckers - Athens, Georgia first gave the world R.E.M. and now they can take credit for the Drive-By-Truckers. Another southern rock outfit but unlike Kings of Leon, the Truckers may never leave the dirt and roll of their southern sound. They have incorporated a fiddle, stand up bass, and mandolin to their musical landscape and are deeply rooted in the sounds that surround them. These guys love Lynyrd Skynyrd, and have filled the alternative country void left by Uncle Tupelo. Imagine if Wilco never got soft or imagine if Wilco had some balls. This Rock outfit might be the hardest working act in the business that no one seems to know about even with 7 albums in the past 13 years plus a live record. Not only do they tour extensively but they also worked as the studio band for the most recent Bettye LaVette album, The Scene of the Crime. An album combing soul, country and rock as the Truckers create a fuller sound to aid in the soulful curiousities of LaVette.
Favorite Album: Decoration Day
Favorite Song: "Where the Devil Don't Stay"
I hope you enjoyed this list... there are plenty of other good bands doing rock music these days, i just wrote about a few of them. Rock as of late has strayed from some of the simplicity that made it great. Experimentation is pretty great but often i wonder... What happened to my rock and roll?
if you know of any rock bands that needs some attention, let your voice be heard. music saves so save music !
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Network ... A Great Movie in 1976, a Great Movie Today
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Starbucks a Spy Haven?
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Woodstock #4... how about a new idea?
Thursday, March 26, 2009
It's Like That And That's the Way It Is... Run-DMC and Hip Hop

Thursday, March 19, 2009
A reason why parents might be more stupid than you think...
Now, when you read this sign what comes up to mind?
.... are you unaware that parents love their children?
.... are you shocked and amazed that parents would love their children at all?
.... are you shocked and amazed that parents would love their children even if they are playing in the dangerous suburban streets, where the speed limit that this sign is posted is a rampaging 35mph?
.... are you dumbfounded that somebody found a need to produce and hang this sign a priority?
you know what I think? I think parents should teach there kids not to play on the street or at least any street where in coming traffic is a high probability. I think drivers driving should be more concerned about where they are driving and be mindful of children at play. I would like to give the human race a little more credit and think that parents are teaching their children what they should and should not be doing, like they should not be playing on roads with heavy traffic. I would like to think that when driving, the driver's first responsibility is safety.
studies estimate that there are over 6 million car accidents per year and over 45,000 of them result in death but does that mean we need a sign to state the obvious? I am sick of stupid drivers and there are lot of them. I am sick of parents who blame there child's death on everyone but themselves. Car accidents are not a laughing matter and generally are the fault of more than one person. Nobody can be careful all the time and sometimes the one mistake made can be the most costly.
I hate signs like this for many reasons. For parents, it does not show your children that you love them... if anything it is a lazy way to suggest that if an accident does occur it is the driver's fault instead of your own for allowing your children to play in the street. For the driver, you should be following the speed limit regulated by law enforcement at all times.
Are we better of for having the sign? Possibly, but I think it is a sad state of affairs when we need the sign.
Friday, February 27, 2009
U2 for me and you - An Album Review

Friday, February 6, 2009
the Grammy Awards and why they suck!
I don’t know about you but I hate the Grammy Awards. I am not a big fan of most awards shows but I hate the Grammy awards because like most awards shows the Grammy’s do nothing but kiss industry ass. The Grammy awards are nothing but the music industry self-gratifying itself.
Here are some of my arguments.
The Non-Winners Argument - Sure, there is nothing wrong with a good debate about who wins awards and who doesn’t, why or how the award is won and so forth but here is a list of bands/artists that have never won a Grammy.
Led Zeppelin
Diana Ross
Neil Young (including Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young)
Bob Marley
Grateful Dead
The Doors
Lynyrd Skynyrd
The Who
The Smiths
Sly and the Family Stone
Public Enemy
Pretty impressive list, isn’t it? Also consider that the Clash hadn’t won a grammy until 2002, long after their career as a band was over. It took Steely Dan almost 30 years of recording to win their first grammy. Jimmy Cliff has only one Grammy. David Bowie has just one Grammy Award for best music video in 1984. Nirvana and Black Sabbath have only one victory while The Kinks, New Order, and the Cure don’t have any Grammy wins.
Just Because You Win Doesn’t Mean You Are Any Good Argument – yes, winning might mean something like it was your year or you didn’t offend too many people with your music but there is a bias to these things. The Beatles, for instance is considered by many to be the greatest band of all time and they have only 7 Grammy awards. Sting, with or without the Police has almost double that at 13, which is the same amount of awards that Michael Jackson has won. Paul Simon has 12. Sheryl Crow has 9. Eric Clapton has 17. Norah Jones has 9. Not to discredit my two favorite artists, U2 and Bruce Springsteen but combined the two acts have 40 Grammy awards. Are any of these artists greater or more important than The Beatles? I am sure some of the artists above deserve some of their awards but I find it hard to believe that those who have never won, great acts like Sly and the Family Stone or the Who could not get any love.
The Best New Artist Argument – Winning the Best New Artists can be a blessing or a curse. Since 1960 there have been artists like Jose Feliciano, Marvin Hamlisch, A Taste of Honey, Marc Cohn, Hootie and The Blowfish, and Shelby Lynne that have faded into obscurity since winning the award. Many of the nominees over the years have not fared very well either… do you remember Timi Yuro or Morris Albert? How about Dr. Buzzard’s Original Savannah Band? Nu Shooz? The Kentucky Headhunters? The Tony Rich Project? Heck, believe it or not Robin Williams was nominated for a Best New Artists Grammy.
Let us not forget that some artists when nominated weren’t exactly new. Fountains of Wayne were nominated for the award in 2004 after they had released their third album. Feist had won fans across the country and a Grammy nomination for best new artists in 2008 even though her debut album was released in 1999 with another album released in 2004 and a remix album in 2006.
110 winners Argument- This year awards will be given out for 110 categories. Wow, can you even think of that many genres of music? I cannot. Is there really a necessity for an award given to the Best Surround Sound Album or an award for Best Album Notes? Is it necessary to have two spoken word categories, one for children and the other for adults? And do not get me started on why there are separate awards for contemporary and traditional world music, contemporary and traditional folk music and contemporary and traditional blues. What is the difference between the best R8B album and the best contemporary R&B album? The same question could be asked for best pop vocal and best traditional pop vocal. I don’t know why there is a separate award for Tropical Latin album and Urban Latin Album? Why is there a separate award for best Rock/Rap gospel album, best pop contemporary gospel album, best southern, country or bluegrass gospel album, best traditional gospel album and best contemporary R&B gospel album? Oh I think I know why there are so many separate categories and nominations…. It is because with more nominees comes more winners and quite possibly bigger record sales. If you didn’t know, Grammy awards promote records sales and if you don’t believe me just keep reading.
Maybe these arguments don’t convince you at all. Maybe you love the Grammy Awards that much and could care less whether or not a mistake is made here or there. Maybe you think all those artists who never won a Grammy should not have won any. Maybe you think that the Grammy Awards are free from error.
If you are like me then you think the Grammy’s suck and they are nothing but a giant advert and campaign to sell more records. USA Today reported in 2007 that Grammy winners and performers had a boost in their record sales the week after the ceremony. Some artists had a small but still noticeable bump of 19% while acts like the Dixie Chicks had an increase in sales by 714%. That is no laughing matter. The Red Hot Chili Peppers had 194% increase. John Mayer had 182% increase. Artists like John Legend, Gnarls Barkley, Tony Bennet and Mary J. Blige all experienced increased sales of over 100%. Digital sales and radio audiences also increased following the 2007 Grammys.
I don’t know how much faith you put in the Grammy’s but maybe, just maybe after this or after your own careful examination you will think twice about the value of a Grammy award.