Now, when you read this sign what comes up to mind?
.... are you unaware that parents love their children?
.... are you shocked and amazed that parents would love their children at all?
.... are you shocked and amazed that parents would love their children even if they are playing in the dangerous suburban streets, where the speed limit that this sign is posted is a rampaging 35mph?
.... are you dumbfounded that somebody found a need to produce and hang this sign a priority?
you know what I think? I think parents should teach there kids not to play on the street or at least any street where in coming traffic is a high probability. I think drivers driving should be more concerned about where they are driving and be mindful of children at play. I would like to give the human race a little more credit and think that parents are teaching their children what they should and should not be doing, like they should not be playing on roads with heavy traffic. I would like to think that when driving, the driver's first responsibility is safety.
studies estimate that there are over 6 million car accidents per year and over 45,000 of them result in death but does that mean we need a sign to state the obvious? I am sick of stupid drivers and there are lot of them. I am sick of parents who blame there child's death on everyone but themselves. Car accidents are not a laughing matter and generally are the fault of more than one person. Nobody can be careful all the time and sometimes the one mistake made can be the most costly.
I hate signs like this for many reasons. For parents, it does not show your children that you love them... if anything it is a lazy way to suggest that if an accident does occur it is the driver's fault instead of your own for allowing your children to play in the street. For the driver, you should be following the speed limit regulated by law enforcement at all times.
Are we better of for having the sign? Possibly, but I think it is a sad state of affairs when we need the sign.
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