Friday, August 14, 2009

Good For You - You Fail at Life. A drunken tale of false reporting

In La Plata County, Colorado a 59 year old man was charged $30,000 for falsely reporting an airplane crash. Harsh? Not exactly, considering the man was drunk at time and convinced he was talking to a friend and not an emergency operator. The large fine was due to the 50 emergency workers that were called to the scene to assist, rescue, and aid those hurt in the accident. Law enforcement typically does not act kindly to being punk'd.

So... Good for You, Mr. 59 year old man that falsely reported a crime and got charged a large sum of money because you were to drunk and stupid to realize what was actually going on. You sir, fail at life.

But wait, could this be the whole story? An alternative notion.

A year prior witnesses claim to have seen a UFO crash by the nearby Colorado river (estimated 162 mile distance) Could another UFO been mistaken for the airplane crash in La Plata County? With a patsy in place, did the FBI and local law officials cover up this intergalactic incident? It is no coincidence that most photos of UFO's are out of focus and those claiming to have seen aliens or unidentified flying objects have a history of mental illness or drug use. The cover up, if at all, is already a success.

In all seriousness. Thank goodness there was no plane crash but there is a valuable lesson to be learned. Drink responsibly. Don't drink and drive. Don't drink and falsely report airplane crashes costing you thousands of dollars. If you drink responsibly, you might not fail at life.

good day to you.

original story reported by the Durango Herald, USA and other media outlets.

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