Saturday, January 21, 2012

Why I'm Single - A Stuffed Animal Story (Not an Innuendo)

So a good friend of mine got me a Snoopy stuffed animal/toy/awesomeness from Build A Bear. This means a couple of things.

1. My friend Kim is thumbs up for getting me a really cute Snoopy stuffed animal/toy/awesomeness.
2. Build A Bear is a lot cooler than I thought for carrying Peanuts characters.
3. I am kind of lame for having stuffed animals at my age but super rad for admitting it. balance. I also have two stuffed manatees named Manfred and Manuel (Manny).

So I am currently single and I won't deny that Snoopy takes up half of the bed. Yeah, I said it. Snoopy resides on the left side of the bed on the northern territory. One morning I awoke to find him there, looking comfortable on one of my pillows. I, the selfish bastard was using three of the four pillows I own and for some reason was heavily contemplating taking the fourth pillow. Then I stopped and reflected; if i take the fourth pillow then Snoopy might not be comfortable and I would feel bad. He still resides on my fourth pillow and I plan to go to Ikea this week to purchase a fifth pillow.

thank you.


Please note that my social and romantic status has nothing to do with my fear of commitment, my inability to be satisfied with myself or the people I meet, my confused romantic idealism and my high standards in the pursuit of love. No, I'm not flawed.

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