Why ? Paul Reiser... Why?
From 1992-1999 you were the creator, producer and star of your own hit show on NBC called Mad About You. It was a charming little show about marriage and family. It was the kind of show you didn't want to like but secretly did, about a marriage you never want to have but might not mind having because they oozed happiness. Just kidding, not trying to be a hater. I enjoyed the show. I found it charming and if I had a marriage like the two leads then I might find normalcy. Of course finding the girl, getting married and all that should probably come first. Either way, it was a cute, at times, very smart and a well done show.
It's other claim to fame was Helen Hunt. Hunt got bigger than Reiser in almost every way for about 5 years. She was huge. She won an Oscar and a bunch of Emmys. She was doing big budget movies and staring in little indie adventures and so forth. The show eventually ended and so did their huge careers. Hunt still does movies and guest stars in the occasional TV spots but Reiser has done little since the show ended in '99.
Reiser has only starred in a couple of films since the show ended and half of those were made for TV. Not knocking it but the guy has been in entertainment for 30 years. He has been around the block. He has been a part of some great television, so you might think film roles could have come a little easier but they didn't.
Reiser is unfortunately not a great actor and now, he comes back to TV starring in a show where he plays himself. He is taking the Larry David formula from Curb Your Enthusiasm and trying to make it his own with The Paul Reiser Show. A better title might not hurt.
The first episode was kind of painful. It's hard to see a smart and charming Reiser create a show to satisfy his need for relevance. Even in the very beginning of the first episode he explains that he is very satisfied with his life but he is not yet dead and is looking for what comes next. My suggestion, stay home, kick the camera out and be a family man. I know it has only been one episode but even at that you stooped low enough to get Larry David on your show and get him to playfully suggest that you, Reiser, should do a show similar to that of Curb Your Enthusiasm. What kind of television is that? It's bad television! I know NBC is desperate but come on!
Yes, there were two clever lines in the show but that doesn't save it. This idea is as bad as Seinfeld's Marriage Ref show and that got cancelled after only 10 episodes. I again, stress the need for a better title. A better idea wouldn't hurt either. Don't do this to yourself Reiser. You are better than this.
But wait, it's only been 1 episode. It could get better. What makes Larry David's show work is that it is a parody of celebrity, as well as Hollywood, and that David is such a horrible guy. The bad stuff that happens to Larry David is sad but also deserving and propels the show forward. This show has too much sincerity to be satire and Reiser is such a nice guy and good family man that the biggest problem he has is finding a job. That really is a sad sack of a problem when you don't really need a job. Do you think he needs a job, when he lives in a in a giant California home and Mad About You is in syndication somewhere, all the time? Mmm sweet delicious royalties. I don't think it's a big problem. Hard sell when so many people have so much less that need, I mean need a job.
TV strikes out again!
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