BP caused an oil spill in the gulf. This is not new news unless you have been living under a rock for the past several months.
I am not really here to debate what could have been done, what should be done, who is to blame and why this is happening.
I really don't have concrete answers except for this...
BP is to blame. I spill a glass of water, it's my fault not the glass. I break a window, it's my fault not the brick for being so hard that when colliding with the window, the window shatters. BP is to blame for the oil disaster. Yes, it is a disaster. The constant recognition of this disaster as a "spill" is nothing but disrespect for the businesses losing money, the animals dying and mother earth getting her faced punched in.
I am not going to blame the current administration, the previous administration or the ocean for having waves and currents, the ocean for being deep or oil for being difficult to obtain. I am going to blame BP and some others.
What I want to know is and some others have often wondered... Where is all the anger? Where is all the sympathy? Where is all the aid? Where are all the relief concerts and fundraising specials? Where are all the commercials in between your favorite programs asking for donations or community service to help save animals, businesses and the people being ruined by this oil disaster?
The only thing close to this that I see is a savvy marketing campaign by BP displaying their outreach to local communities affected by their blunder. Some commercials with some BP accountants casually expressing their concern, sitting along the gulf coast explaining how important his or her job is because they are helping the businesses that have lost so much from this disaster. BP should be helping those business and paying those claims.
But, where is all our anger?
Some of it has been directed towards the current administration. Some of it directed towards the previous administration. Some of it has been directed towards BP and some of it has been directed towards local vendors. The anger aimed towards local vendors has been label as "misguided" because it only hurts local businesses and has little effect on BP. At the same time, I haven't filled my gas tank at any local BP stations as a symbol of my disgust but also because I don't know what else to do. Emailing my local government official seems pointless. Sending an angry letter to BP while they burn money seems foolish. How should I direct my anger?
Maybe some of our anger should be directed at ourselves. Maybe we aren't angry or as angry as we should be because we need this oil. We are well versed in the risks of our dependence on oil and sadly accept the ugly truth that if you want an omelet you have to break some eggs. We should be angry at ourselves. Maybe this disaster could have been diverted if we as a civilization weren't so dependent on oil and more invested in cleaner energy technologies. Unfortunately we aren't and with this disaster hopefully coming to a close we are still slow to arrive towards cleaner and more efficient energy solutions.
We aren't going to get rid of SUV's. We haven't come close to an automobile that can achieve 100 miles to the gallon. We are addicted to air conditioning and central heating. We love the leisure oil can offer our lives. We need more and more and as our need grows and grows our comfort level must match that need. Change is difficult but maybe instead of blaming BP we should blame ourselves and our childish resistance to change. Change must come and hopefully another disaster won't occur before we accept that.
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