Rush Limbaugh proclaims that Colin Powell selection of Barack Obama for President of the United States is totally about race. His comments were made loud and clear on his radio program and is nothing but an insult directed at General Colin Powell.
General Powell served as a soldier for 35 years. He was the National Security Advisor under President Reagan. He was Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff under President George H. W. Bush and President Bill Clinton. Powell was also the United States Secretary of State for President George W. Bush. I don’t think there is anyone who can accuse General Powell of lacking experience or intelligence. He is a man that has dedicated his life to serving his country and this attack by Rush Limbaugh is nothing but blind stupidity and racism.
He told the media that he was not going to make a decision till all the facts were in and that his decision was a confident one. Powell’s action in educating himself about the candidates is a road map we should all follow. When we vote, educating yourself about the names on the ballot can never be taken for granted. Colin Powell is a member of the Republican Party and for months has declined to endorse a candidate for president, at least until last Sunday when you decided to vote for Barack Obama as the next President of the United States.
Unfortunately, Rush Limbaugh took it upon himself to slight General Powell and suggest that his decision was based entirely on race. Powell, a highly decorated individual, well educated and respected by many, Republican and Democrat alike, spoke of Sen. Barack Obama’s ability to create change, move the country in a direction he feels appropriate and rescue America’s struggling economy. General Powell also spoke of his lack of confidence in Governor Palin and his concern over the negativity brought by the McCain campaign. In the end, Colin Powell spoke eloquently about his endorsement for Sen. Obama.
I don’t know Rush Limbaugh personally but it is hard to see this as anything but stupid and racist. I could say that Limbaugh only supports McCain because he is white or because he is Republican. I like to give General Powell a little more credit. He has publicly stated that he would not support any candidate blindly due to race or political party. I have no doubt that General Powell wants the best for America and he is voting for Sen. Obama because of a belief that Sen. Obama is better fit to lead. I have a hard time thinking that Limbaugh has the country’s best interest in mind with these attacks. If anything Limbaugh might be more concerned with his ratings and his lack of relevance than the welfare of America. To be fair, Limbaugh is not the only making these comments because Pat Buchanan also questioned General Powell decision as one made entirely based on race.
I don’t think General Powell is voting for Sen. Obama because he is black. I don’t think General Powell is not voting for Sen. McCain because he is white. I do think that General Powell is an intelligent person able of thinking independently and profoundly. To accuse anyone, especially a person as decorated and honored as General Powell of voting for any candidate based on race, sex or age is ignorant.
“Our great strength is in our unity and our diversity”
- Gen. Colin Powell
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