Friday, May 9, 2008

vote experience ?

If you think experience is the most important thing when deciding the President please think of these Presidents before making experience the prime reason for your vote. 


John Adams – Representative to Massachusetts General Court; Delegate to first and Second Continental Congress; Member of Provincial Congress of Massachusetts; Delegate to Massachusetts Constitutional Convention; Commissioner to France; Minister to Netherlands and Britain; U.S. Vice President


Martin Van Buren – Surrogate of Columbia County, New York; New York State Senator; Attorney General of New York; Delegate to Third New York State Constitutional Convention; U.S. Senator; Governor of New York; Secretary of State; U.S. Vice President


James Buchanan – Member of Pennsylvania legislature; Member of U.S. House of Representatives; Minister to Russia; Member of U.S. Senate; Minister to Great Britain


John Calvin Coolidge – Member of House of Representatives, Massachusetts; Mayor of Northampton, Massachusetts; Member and President of Massachusetts Senate, Lieutenant Governor of Massachusetts, Governor of Massachusetts; U.S. Vice President


Richard Nixon – Member of House of Representatives, California; Member of the Senate; U.S. Vice President


George Herbert Walker Bush – Member, United States House of Representatives, Ambassador to the United Nations; Chairman Republican National Committee; United States Envoy to China; Director, Central Intelligence Agency; U.S. Vice President



            I don’t know what you think about these individuals or their place in history but 43 men have been President of the United States and only few have been great, a few more have been remembered and many if not most were average or even forgettable.


            Experience certainly cannot be overlooked but it is also important to not just look at how much experience one person has but what kind of experience they have. There have been some Presidents with endless amounts of knowledge in the realm of politics and others with very little. It is impossible to predict what makes a good President. The people have even elected Presidents that never held a public office as in the case of Zachary Taylor, Ulysses S. Grant and Dwight David Eisenhower and each of these three men held office with very different results. Governor of New Jersey was the only office Woodrow Wilson held before becoming President and he led the country to victory during the First World War. According to a poll/survey on taken (about) two weeks ago, Ronald Reagan was ranked #2 on a list of the greatest Presidents in U.S. history and the only elected office he held was as Governor of California.


            I am by no means suggesting that a great or even successful President cannot have a lot of experience because that is absurd but maybe when you vote in future elections you should not base your entire decision on experience. 

1 comment:

Reena Goodwin said...

ALEJO! I want to add you to my blog, what's your email?