What do you think about the NFL lockout?
If you are fan you probably think it is pretty dumb. I do. I find it hard to understand the plight of players playing a game, a physical game nonetheless but play a game for large sums of money and still want more. I have a hard time sympathizing with owners who make millions to produce a football team and a game yet still want more. There are countless others who wish they could be in their shoes and in this day in age, it is hard to look at any of this as other than greed.
I understand that is a very simplistic view of the lockout but what about the fans? How does a lockout help the fans? How do the players demanding more and the owners demanding more help the fans? Does it make ticket prices cheaper? No, not likely. Does it make the cost of a hot dog and beer cheaper? No, not likely. Does it make foam fingers or fan jerseys cheaper? No, not likely either. In fact none of this lockout nonsense will make anything about the game cheaper or more accessible.
A friend suggested that the lockout allows teams to put a better product on the field. A better product on the field is better for the fans. Sounds good but I don't think that is a guarantee. If an organization has more money to spend on the team that doesn't mean that money will be spent. If an owner has more money to spend on free agents that doesn't mean the right players will be chosen to field a better team. It seems like a very lofty argument.
In the end, the owners and players were willing to gamble with something that is not entirely theirs to play with... the game of football. Who adheres to our demands? Oh, wait, do we, the fans have demands? Unfortunately not. Unfortunately the fans are not united or unionized. We cannot stop watching the games. We cannot stop checking news reports to see whether or not the lockout is over. We cannot stop checking tweets from players about this or that, whether or not the tweet has any relevance to the situation. We cannot stop, even for a second to hate football, the league or the players. We are just glad to have it all back. Thank goodness the NFL has come back! Hooray for Sundays, the occasional Thursdays and Saturdays too! Hooray for fantasy football and tail gating. Hooray!
But again. What about the fans? Should the our admiration be restored simply by rewarding us with a full season of football? As the saying goes; Baseball is our past time but Football is our passion. Why can't we be passionate about the mistreatment of the owners and players towards the fans? Why can't the fans simply say no. Why can't we band together and remind them, the owners and the players that neither side is anything without the fans? How do we do this? I have no idea but I have suggestions that are outside the realm of reality. My favorite idea is simply boycotting a preseason game. Yeah, why not? No one likes preseason anyway. If the NFL makes $200-$250 million per week off the preseason, why not boycott a week to remind the NFL and all associated that without the fans the league is nothing.
I think the owners, players and league has forgotten that notion but at the same rate the fans have forgotten to stand up for themselves. When we look back at all of this, it will be a crisis averted moment and no one will ask how anything about how the game was made better for the people who buy the tickets, the popcorn, ball caps, paint the caravans in team colors, cheer their teams for generations and generations, and love the game of football.