Someone once said that the three greatest things America ever invented were the Constitution, Jazz and Baseball. I have a hard time not agreeing with any of this.
I love the game of baseball. Though due to personal reasons like moving to the opposite end of the country, I have not followed spring training as much as I would like but here we go with some predictions.
American League
Central Winner - Chicago White Sox. I picked them last year and I was wrong. It's really up in the air who wins this division
West Winner - Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim. I don't think Texas can repeat the magic.
East Winner - New York Yankees. Now that the Rays will suck and even though Boston reloaded, the Yankees have one more year of magic in them.
Wild Card Winner - Boston Red Sox. I think Becket and Lackey are done but the team has so much depth that will propel them into the playoffs where the offense will catch fire.
National League
East Winner - Atlanta Braves. I picked them last year and I was wrong. I think they shock everybody.
West Winner - San Francisco Giants. I think they have a young enough team with enough wild and cooky guys that they won't lose their edge.
Central Winner - Cincinnati Reds. Every other team in the division sucks.
Wild Card Winner - Philadelphia Phillies. Pitching will help a struggling offense.
But who wins in the playoffs?????
Well pitching is what wins in the playoffs, that and key hits during key situations. So... In the American League, I foresee the Angels playing the Red Sox for the American League Pennant and the Giants against the Phillies for the National League Pennant.
the World Series will be the Red Sox versus the Phillies, with Red Sox winning. (that is my heart speaking)
My mind thinks it will be the Giants versus the Yankess but fuck that.
Sleeper teams. The Oakland Athletics and the Milwaukee Brewers. Watch out!
another great year ahead. I love this game and like Ernie Banks would say, "let's play two."