Thursday, April 9, 2009

Network ... A Great Movie in 1976, a Great Movie Today

Howard Beale said it best.... 

Isn't it remarkable? Network was released in 1976 and it still rings true in many ways. It is a movie forgotten by many despite making arguments about the media that still register within our minds and imaginations. 

The film follows a news anchor and his spiral towards self destruction, as his best friend tries to remove the spot light forced upon him, network executives try to provide him an audience and reap the benefits. It is satire to a degree but comes off as precise social criticism. It is hard to denounce the film as far-fetched or exaggerated when much of seems as real as the dirt underneath our fingers nails. 

I remember being a young teenage boy about 10 years ago and discovering this film for the first time. Angry about everything with no rhyme or reason, I was like many teenagers who felt alienated, confused about a world beyond my reach... Network did not provide any answers but it gave me questions. Network still doesn't provide any answers but many of the questions I asked 10 years ago still fester in my mind. Will I find a good job? Can I find truth on the television or believe what I've read in newspaper? Are politicians working to benefit the community rather than themselves? Well, to be honest. I didn't worry about those things at the age of 16 but I do worry about them now. At 16, I identified with the anger and at 26, I identify with the simple truth that life is hard and the answers aren't always easy to find or easy to handle. At 26, I don't see it as anger but as frustration. Like the world in 1976, there is plenty to be frustrated about in 2009. Maybe the frustration is maddening because it never seems to go away? This life or any life is never made easy. 

I love this film and I would recommend watching it. Please, rent or purchase. You will never see me promote illegal downloads. If you love art, music or film, support it and don't steal it. 

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Starbucks a Spy Haven?

Have you ever wondered why there are so many Starbucks? Seriously, why are there so many? Is it possible that Starbucks is a front for government operatives, spooks, spies and watchmen? Yes!

Have you ever wondered why you might find 3 or 4 Starbucks locations within 1 mile radius? Surprised, but in small towns across America they are everywhere. There are three located within the Palm Beach Gardens Mall which by no means is larger than the average mall, after all it's only two floors.  In New York City there are over 250 Starbucks locations; Chicago, 153; Miami, 58; Dallas, 51; Los Angeles, 153; Denver, 131; Atlanta, 57; Boston, 97 and somehow Seattle only has 103 places to order your favorite venti coffee. By the by, Venti means '20 ounces' in Italian, which is fitting because by ordering a Venti beverage, you have ordered 20 ounces of beverage. 

So why are there so many of these cafes pumping the last great legal addictive stimulant?  Is it because these coffee shops are really hubs for classified and sophisticated materials used for our nation's national security? After the 1990's, in the Bush America, Starbucks was opening a new location daily until this past summer when on july 1, 2008, Starbucks announced the closing of over 600 locations. Despite closing over 600 locations, the coffee ringleader was still opening stores in better markets. This announcement of store closing and more site specific openings came just 4 weeks after (President) Barack Obama won the Democratic Nomination. 

President Bush was criticized for his do anything at all costs mentality for National Security. From invasion of privacy to the arrests to innocents all in the pursuit of some kind of justice, and Starbucks might have become a front for government badges. Your local barista keeping an eye on us all and controlling us with sweetened coffee, sultry pastries, and mix cd's with subliminal messages. Sooner or later there will be tracking devices in the thermal coffee mugs purchased for your night stand or car. Or worse, like a video camera in the new coffee grinder purchased for the pound of your favorite bella vista coffee beans.

Thank goodness for new proposed ideas and plans on how to keep our nation safe. Starbucks might still be a front for spooks and fingermen, so be careful of what you say or do within those walls. I know the soothing sounds of Diana Krall or the full flavor of pumpkin spice latte can weaken anyone but try to maintain yourself and be a rock. Starbucks was clever in attempting to mask these closing in a crippling economy but I am not fooled. I am watching you Starbucks!